Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Conjugate the French Verb Découvrir
How to Conjugate the French Verb Dà ©couvrir In French, the verb dà ©couvrir means to discover or to uncover. When you want to change it to the past tense discovered or the future tense will uncover, you will need to conjugate the verb. French verbs are rarely simple to conjugate, and dà ©couvrir is one of the more challenging. However, a short lesson will run you through the basics. Conjugating the French Verb Dà ©couvrir Dà ©couvrir is an irregular verb, meaning it does not follow a common verb conjugation pattern. Yet, it is not alone because the majority of French verbs that end in -frir or -vrir, including ouvir (to open), are conjugated in the same way. The challenge of conjugating in French is that you not only take into account the present, future, or past tense when changing the infinitive ending. There is also a separate ending for each subject pronoun within each of those tenses. That means you have more words to dedicate to your memory. Study this table to learn the correct forms of dà ©couvrir. Simply pair the subject pronoun with the proper tense: I discover is je dà ©couvre and we will discover is nous dà ©couvrirons. Practicing these in context is a good way to help memorize them. Subject Present Future Imperfect je dà ©couvre dà ©couvrirai dà ©couvrais tu dà ©couvres dà ©couvriras dà ©couvrais il dà ©couvre dà ©couvrira dà ©couvrait nous dà ©couvrons dà ©couvrirons dà ©couvrions vous dà ©couvrez dà ©couvrirez dà ©couvriez ils dà ©couvrez dà ©couvriront dà ©couvraient Present Participle Adding -ant to the verb stem dà ©couvr- creates the present participle dà ©couvrant. Its useful beyond a verb and can also become an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The past participle of dà ©couvrir is dà ©couvert. This is used to form the common past tense known as the passà © composà ©. To use it, you will also need to conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir. For example, I discovered is jai dà ©couvert and we discovered is nous avons dà ©couvert. More Simple Conjugations There may be times when you will find a use for the subjunctive or conditional verb forms of dà ©couvrir as well. The subjunctive verb mood implies that the act of discovering is subjective or uncertain. Similarly, the conditional verb mood says that discovering will only happen if something else takes place. The passà © simple is primarily found in literature and formal writing. The same applies to the imperfect subjunctive. While you may not use them yourself, being able to recognize these as a form of dà ©couvrir is a good idea. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je dà ©couvre dà ©couvrirais dà ©couvris dà ©couvrisse tu dà ©couvres dà ©couvrirais dà ©couvris dà ©couvrisses il dà ©couvre dà ©couvrirait dà ©couvrit dà ©couvrà ®t nous dà ©couvrions dà ©couvririons dà ©couvrà ®mes dà ©couvrissions vous dà ©couvriez dà ©couvririez dà ©couvrà ®tes dà ©couvrissiez ils dà ©couvrent dà ©couvriraient dà ©couvrirent dà ©couvrissent To use dà ©couvrir in the imperative form, there is no need to include the subject pronoun. Instead of tu dà ©couvre, simplify it to dà ©couvre. Imperative (tu) dà ©couvre (nous) dà ©couvrons (vous) dà ©couvrez
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