Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on What It Takes
What it Takes Perhaps more than at any other time in history, today’s parents are concerned about the future of their children. They want a child who will be happy, caring, and compassionate (Christopherson 3). A parenting style choice can mold a child to be this way or to be completely opposite. Parenting style captures two important elements or parenting: parental responsiveness and parental control (Darling). Parental responsiveness is how well parents respond to their children’s needs and demands. Parental demanding ness is how well parents assert disciplinary efforts and how well they supervise. Categorizing parents according to whether they are high or low on responsible demanding ness and responsiveness creates a typology of four parenting styles: indulgent, authoritarian, authoritative, and uninvolved (Darling) Of these styles, authoritative parenting is the most effective. In this style, parents are highly demanding and responsive. â€Å"They monitor and impact clear standards for their children’s conduct. They are assertive but not intrusive, but not intrusive and restrictive. Their disciplinary methods are supportive, rather than punitive†(qtd. in Baumrind 162) (Darling). There are several contributing factors that lead to effective authoritative parenting. It is not easy and takes an abundance of time as well as patience and critical thinking. Authoritative parents focus on giving clear appropriate commands. By doing so, children know that parents mean business. A clear command is a simple imperative sentence. It is not asking a favor, sending an invitation, asking a question, or proposing a threat (Chidekel 119). A clear command is simple: â€Å"Pick up your toys†is an example. Its meaning is simply clear and direct. From this children will gain the knowledge of power of authority. Most children want to belong to a peer group, but promoting the social- skill to do so is a parents task (... Free Essays on What It Takes Free Essays on What It Takes What it Takes Perhaps more than at any other time in history, today’s parents are concerned about the future of their children. They want a child who will be happy, caring, and compassionate (Christopherson 3). A parenting style choice can mold a child to be this way or to be completely opposite. Parenting style captures two important elements or parenting: parental responsiveness and parental control (Darling). Parental responsiveness is how well parents respond to their children’s needs and demands. Parental demanding ness is how well parents assert disciplinary efforts and how well they supervise. Categorizing parents according to whether they are high or low on responsible demanding ness and responsiveness creates a typology of four parenting styles: indulgent, authoritarian, authoritative, and uninvolved (Darling) Of these styles, authoritative parenting is the most effective. In this style, parents are highly demanding and responsive. â€Å"They monitor and impact clear standards for their children’s conduct. They are assertive but not intrusive, but not intrusive and restrictive. Their disciplinary methods are supportive, rather than punitive†(qtd. in Baumrind 162) (Darling). There are several contributing factors that lead to effective authoritative parenting. It is not easy and takes an abundance of time as well as patience and critical thinking. Authoritative parents focus on giving clear appropriate commands. By doing so, children know that parents mean business. A clear command is a simple imperative sentence. It is not asking a favor, sending an invitation, asking a question, or proposing a threat (Chidekel 119). A clear command is simple: â€Å"Pick up your toys†is an example. Its meaning is simply clear and direct. From this children will gain the knowledge of power of authority. Most children want to belong to a peer group, but promoting the social- skill to do so is a parents task (...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Order Writing A Thesis Proposal Here
Order Writing A Thesis Proposal Here Writing a thesis proposal is a real challenge for many students because it requires a lot of time, patience and knowledge. You should make an analysis of all materials on your topic, provide a thesis statement, capture the reader’s attention, present your purpose, methodology, literature review, etc. Have you already imagined these sleepless nights? Then we have an idea. What if you buy thesis proposal from us? This way you can do your business instead of spending hours and even days for the assignment. Our thesis proposal writing right for you Let us show the way we do our job. First of all, our manager contacts you to get all details of your order. Usually it takes up to 15 minutes to get in touch with a customer. You send us all requirements and guides you consider important, while we look for a qualified and experienced writer. We have a great team of writers, who specialize in any subject. Do you need a great thesis proposal help? You will get it on our website. We hire only skillful writers and never cooperate with students. We think that only people with a huge experience, awareness of all popular formats and styles and other significant moments can provide awesome papers. That’s why when you buy thesis proposal from us, you get high-quality service. When the paper is ready, it goes to an editor. In comparison with other writing services that offer only writing a thesis proposal, we also offer editing and proofreading. Our editors will find and correct all mistakes, misprints, etc. that the writer might make. Of course, our writers are professionals and write correctly, but we try to make our service excellent. When a person writes a paper, they may not notice an evident mistake, but our editors will do. We are sure that this approach is the main difference from other services. As soon as the work is ready, it’s sent directly to you. That’s all, actually. Place an order and get your A grade. Our pricing policy for every student Do you know how much you have to pay for writing thesis proposals? Check our prices. Have you ever thought it could be that affordable? We offer low-cost works since we adhere to a reasonable pricing policy. Therefore, we offer you to pay a small sum of money for writing thesis proposals. You can afford it for sure. Moreover, it stimulates many students to buy not only thesis proposal writing, but also some other assignments. We care about our customers and will keep doing our best to prove our reputation.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal and professional development plan Assignment
Personal and professional development plan - Assignment Example I am a Bachelor’s Degree Holder (Mathematics & Economics) having graduated from National University of Odeassa I.I Mechnikov in Ukraine. I am also continuing in my second Degree in International Business, as a Third Year student at London School of Business and Finance in United Kingdom. Away from this pack of knowledge, my competence in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, and Internet have ignited my reliability to undertake any initiative accorded to me in any field of work. My oratory skills are a match of class for my excellent communication and interpersonal skills for working in a multicultural group for I am conversant and proficient in English, Ukrainian, and Russian languages (Beers, S. 2007:78). This empowers my ability to lead successfully a team of competent people to accomplish objectives and the commitment to deliver the results and achieving the goals within stipulated deadlines. My scaling initiatives have earned my trust from colleagues, superiors, and customer s due to positive attitude, integrity, politeness, and compatibility. In these avenues, I have extended an outstanding decision -making skills to solve any emergency problem in a diplomatic manner and in the interest of the entire organization. Key lessons learned from education and training (last 2 years) My education and training have not come with futility as my work experiences have earned me a lesson. For example, as a sales Executive in a show room in Ukraine, these skills were instrumental in achieving higher sales for the showroom due to superior presentation and customer relations skills. The virtue of responsibility has also helped a lot for I performed the assigned duties, such as maintaining inventory, loading and unloading of merchandise, and ensuring customer satisfaction, which assisted in the development of organizational and time management skills. I belief my versatility, not only in holding a valid Driver’s License, my dancing skills of five years have gain ed my far reaching accolades and appreciation. It is this appreciation and ability to have the niche and affinity for clients that drew admiration from my former manager for boosting sales during special occasions. Having people friendly attitude has really defined my professionalism and remains as a virtue to hold for long. Current situation My public relations and business acumen strengthened by my ongoing and never-ending attitude I have for serving, makes me proud and can declare that I have personal and professional strengths. However, as much as I would want to walk the tightrope of professionalism head on, I am aware of the hurdles I would face and the challenges. Overcoming all these situations successfully as they unfold is what shall define me as a valuable resource. To be a well-baked individual in my current situation, I have learnt that the faster I would learn to embrace consistency, practice, patience, tolerance, and professional assets the best would work out for me. I also have to a bolster up my personal and professional strengths and weaknesses to help me eventually develop an action plan for continuing personal and professional development. As a Cabin Crew Member, I know I am a mandate to be at my best if this chance swings to my side. Personal and profes
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Paper #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Paper #1 - Assignment Example He termed the use of such secrecy as an abominable precedent. He also thought that rebellions among the citizens were a normal medicine to the political organic body of the new. The bill of rights introduced into the constitutional processes the safeguards and defenses of the rights of the individuals which were more critical to the stability of the confederation. When the bill of rights was introduced, Jefferson believed that the nation would then safeguard individual liberties in a more concrete manner (Nash & Graves 120). When the Bill of Rights was introduced, the ordinary citizens were adequately represented and their rights defended along constitutional lines. Moreover, the laws made it possible for popular participation of the citizens which had the effect of easing some of the tensions and civil unrest or protests. Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton had differences regarding the nature of the confederation in a constitutional sense. However, the question of political parties also pitted the leaders in philosophical differences. Jefferson believed in a weaker central government and stronger and autonomous states. This was contrary to Hamiltonian convictions. As a very prominent and influential secretary of the treasury, always insisted in the strengthening of the federal government and made a lot of financial programs of taxation to modernize the state. Hamilton insisted in some interpretations of the constitution to favor greater federal controls which Jefferson detested. These included the creation of a National, Federal Bank and several taxation laws. Their differences emerged principally on Jefferson’s consideration that the Federal government needed not tax the ordinary citizens too much. d. As president, Jefferson drew back from his weak central government philosophy to engage in some actions that outraged even the Federalists. Discuss some of those actions and the Jeffersonian rationale behind them. As
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Reconstruction Era of the United States Essay Example for Free
Reconstruction Era of the United States Essay By 1865, the Civil War ended with a victory for the Union over the secessionist southern states. But with every conclusion comes new beginnings, thus the start of a new chapter American History: The Reconstruction. 1865 through 1877 was known as the period of Reconstruction. During this time the Confederate States were reintegrated into the Union. Before the Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his forces to the Union General, Ulysses Grant on April 9th, 1865 which actually ended the war, controversy raged throughout Congress and country concerning the terms under which the secessionist states would be allowed back into the Union. One prevalent concern was what role the federal government would play in the shaping of the political, economical, and social fabrics of the south. Desegregating roughly 4 million recently freed slaves into life in the new south was a controversial issue. The issue of slavery is actually what caused the secession of the southern states in 1860 and 1861. This dispute is what led to the start of the civil war. The war had left the south dramatically altered. The newly freed slaves struggled to survive in this new economy all while trying to coincide with an often acrimonious and resentful white population. The nation was left bitterly divided. President Abraham Lincoln believed that the South had already been drastically punished. He favored the lenient approach of Reconstruction. Lincoln issued the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction; which in turn created the ten percent plan. Lincoln believed that the sooner the nation healed and moved forward, the better off everyone would be. The plan called for pardons to any Confederate who had not held civil office and would swear to support the Constitution and the Union. The states would be readmitted to the union once ten percent of their population took oath. Despite Lincoln did not adequately address how the newly freed slaves were to be accepted into Southern society. The Democrats and Republicans tended to favor more lenient policies for the south. A fraction of the Republican Party known as the ‘Radical Republicans’ pushed for harder programs that would punish the south and ensure that the newly freed black slaves would have total equality with the whites. These Radicals passed the Wade-Davis Bill in 1864 that said states could be readmitted to the union only after 50 percent of voters took an oath; however, President Lincoln quickly vetoed this bill. The Freedmen’s Bureau was then created; this helped distribute food, supplies, and land to the freed slaves. On April 14, 1865, President Lincoln was famously shot in Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. by a Confederate sympathizer, John Wilkes Boothe. He passed the following morning. His successor, Vice President Andrew Johnson was a very outspoken opponent of the rich slaveholders in the South. As a Southern Senator, he had refused to join the Confederacy. He preferred to preserve the Union. Johnson said he planned to carry out Lincolns Reconstruction Policies, although he believed that the South should be punished for its role in the war. Johnson was welcomed by the Radical Republicans initially; they believed he would pursue harsher policies than his preceptor, Lincoln. However, once in office, Johnson adopted a more lenient policy than expected. He pardoned many Confederate leaders. He allowed commanding former Confederates to keep their land and official posts. He argued that it was the responsibility of the states to set policies dealing which rights would be denied to blacks. These were known as the ‘Black Codes’. They were enacted in the south and severely limited the rights of the freedmen. Johnson’s plan or the â€Å"Presidential Reconstruction†was counted by the Radical Republicans in Congress. The Reconstruction policies became known as the Radical Reconstruction. The Radical Republicans argued that the main goal of Reconstruction should be to secure the same rights as white citizens for the newly freed slaves. They were enacted in the south and severely limited the rights of the freedmen. The advocates of the Radical Reconstruction included mostly Rapidly Reconstruction. He proposed a more lenient program of Reconstruction. This stemmed from his desires to heal the wounds of the war as quickly as possible. He wanted to put an end to the animosity between the North and South. Under this plan, the federal government was to appoint governors to head secessionist states. He offered executive pardons to all southerners minus the high ranking Confederate officials. Johnson’s decisions guaranteed that blacks would be forced to struggle to gain equality with the Southern Whites. Being he did not enforce any government control of the southern lands, not much changed in terms of the treatment of the African Americans. As these conditions continued to fail at improvement for blacks, the moderates were more inclined to agree with the Radical Republicans. The Congress in its new session and with its Republican majority, a stricter version of Reconstitution was passed. In 1867 The First Reconstruction Act was put into place; it separated the south into five districts that were to be governed by the U.S. military. It also said the south was to recognize and permit the former slaves before they could reenter the Union. To reassure that this order was followed the second Reconstruction Act was passed; this put the military in charge of southern voter registration. During this time the Fifth Amendment was also passed permitting all American men the right to vote, including the former slaves. Congress knew Johnson would use all possible power to rule the reconstruction the way he thought it should. Therefore, trying to restrict his powers, in 1867 the Tenure of Office Act was passed; which required the president to join with the House and Senate before removing congressionally appointed cabinet members. Johnson didn’t abide to this act causing the Republicans to impeach him in 1868. This is when Ulysses S. Grant was brought into office. Grant’s personality being inexperienced and extremely passive created many problems and a bad reputation for him. In 1872 his Vice President Schuyler Colfax was forced to step back from office; due to his involvement in the Credit Mobilier scandal. In addition to his Vice Presidents flaws his personal secretary assisted in the embezzlement of millions of dollars from the U.S. Treasury. These harmful acts and others drove the Republican Party to split apart; and resulting in the formation of Liberal Republicans who wanted to end reconstruction. The Liberal Republicans nominated Horace Greeley for their partys’ presidential candidate. However, Grant still managed to beat him for the presidential position. In 1873, a series of events including bad loans, and high expectations of the economy, lead the country into a destructive depression. The depression caused a plethora of lost jobs among the American people. In efforts to help end the depression and prevent inflation congress put an end to coining silver dollars and passed the Resumption Act of 1875. This act removed all paper money from the economy. The depressions economic issues were a major factor in the election of 1874. Many people betrayed on the Republican Party and voted Democrat because of the hard times they experienced during the depression. This change gave the Democratic Party control over the House of Representatives. The radical republicans lost many members; therefore lessening their abilities to pass orders. The last legislative act they did pass was the Civil Rights Act of 1875, an effort to try and eliminate racial discrimination. The election putting Democrats in power kicked off the end of Radical Reconstruction. Court Cases such as the Slaughterhouse case which argued against the 14th Amendment; and the U.S. v. Cruikshank case which discussed issues dealing with the Ku Klux Klan; also assisted in the ending of the Radical Reconstruction. There was a quarrel with the outcome of the election in 1876 between Democrat Tilden and Republican Hayes; this resulted in the Electoral count act in 1877.This act created a balanced, equal committee to recount votes. This committee concluded that Hayes won the presidency position. The democrats were outraged with the results of the election and the resulted in the Compromise of 1877. This compromise said that the Democrats would allow Hayes to become President if Federal troops were withdrawn from the south, republican agreed. This removal of troops marked the end of the reconstruction era. The end of the Civil war created a period of time in which the U.S. had to deal with, governing issues, scandals, and economic hardships. The integration of former slaves with the whites was a task that seemed impossible to achieve. The views and wants of Political Parties’ and the Presidency position changed during this time. However the North and South were joined again at last.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Positioning Essay -- Marketing Advertising Advertisements Essays
Positioning Many people consider marketing as a means to let creative juices flow. In many ways, this can be true. But what many do not realize is that marketing needs common sense and logic to a certain extent. This applies to both internal and external marketing. Companies tend to lose focus – whether it be because it is having a difficult time dealing with high growth or because a few upper management ‘wanna-be’s’ try something bold (without thinking). This is where positioning comes into play – if you want to survive or prosper, that is. So what is positioning about? Positioning is a concept that sparked a revolution in advertising. It was developed in by the authors of â€Å"Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind†, Al Ries and Jack Trout. The book was published in 1981 and became one of the top sellers or all time. Positioning was the first concept to deal with the problems of communication in an over-communicated society. With positioning you can beat the competition and win the battle for recognition in an overcrowded, media-blitzed marketplace. With this approach, a company creates a ‘position’ in the prospect’s mind, one that reflects the company’s own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of its competitors. Product positioning is an important strategy for achieving differential advantage. Positioning reflects the â€Å"place†a product occupies in a market or segment. A successful position has characteristics that are both differentiating and important to cons...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Auto Industry Structure and Resources Essay
According to Taylor (2012), profits are going to be derived from a handful of mega-companies in North America, Europe, and Asia. These companies include General Motors (GM), Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, Renault/Nissan, Hyundai/Kia, and Fiat/Chrysler. The chart below, taken from Taylor’s article, demonstrates global sales of auto makers in 2011 and what is predicted to be the companies’ global sales in 2020. (Taylor 2012). This chart reflects which auto makers are at the top in terms of sales, so this could also be interpreted as the companies that are the strongest within the industry. An industry is a group of firms that market products which are close substitutes for each other. Some industries are more profitable than others due to the dynamics of competitive structure of an industry. There are basically five forces that determine the long-run profitability of an industry; threat of entry of new competition, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and degree of competition (Porter, 2008). Many companies within the United States and world may look to the automotive industry as a possible â€Å"cash cow. This is due to the large inelastic demand followed with a hefty pay off per sale. As a company interested in entering the automotive industry competition, one may find that it is easier said than done. Since 1860, there have been over 1,800 manufacturing companies that have entered into this competitive market within the United States. Of those 1,800 manufacturers, over 760 have gone out of business, leaving a success rat e of less than 57% (Georgano, 2000). Entry into this manufacturing arena requires a huge down payment. Procuring machinery, personnel, factories, and raw materials can put a multi-million dollar price tag of investment and overhead before one sale is completed. Before these complicated pieces of machinery start rolling off the production line, sales strategies and logistics need to also be considered sinking more overhead and investment into start up costs. For the manufactures that decide to exit this market, there is a large sum of invested money and jobs that are lost. In many situations, losing such a large degree of sunk costs in a plant closure tends to become the precursor to company bankruptcy or selling off of the company. The excess inventory, machinery, and other assets will need to be sold off to try to maintain survival of the existing company. If the company has debt, income from selling off assets or the bankruptcy will be utilized to pay these debts. Either way, exiting this market can cause great financial drain and costly repercussions of the company’s financial livelihood. In recent years, more manufacturers have taken the financial risk on and been able to enter into the market. The automotive market structure began as an oligopolistic structure due to the limited vendors. In this system, several large sellers have some control over the prices. As time progresses and more domestic and foreign manufacturers enter into the competition, a more perfect competition (many buyers and sellers, none being able to influence prices) is emerging (Business Dictionary. om, 2012) reducing elasticity within the market. Education and training, wages, and technology are three major factors which impact the quantity and/or skill level of the labor supply in the auto industry. In reviewing the labor supply, we will divide the industry by business and front-line workers. These two general groups would require great variance in education and skill; therefore, the potential labor supply for each should be reviewed separately. The front-line workers in manufacturing, production, and sales of the auto industry generally require minimal education and receive on-the-job skill training. These workers may have a high school diploma and great variance in skill level for manufacturing and sales. They will receive the training needed on the job and their wages will not greatly vary; therefore, the effect of changes in training and wages for those workers of the industry would be considered minimal in changes to the supply curve. For this group, advances in technology would have a greater impact. In reviewing the labor supply for the business segment of the automobile industry such as business management, engineering, and marketing, this is the population of the industry which must: understand and keep track of changing consumer demands, understand how to maximize opportunity for growth, how to forecast, how to market, and be innovative in design and features of automobiles as technology continues to advance and the market remains competitive. According to the Consumer Population Survey (CPS), in 2011 the U. S. Labor Force, age 25 and older, with only a high school education made up over three and a half million potential laborers; while in the same year, those unemployed with a college degree equated to around two million (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012). Therefore, the total labor supply for the industry was nearly six million with varying skill levels. The auto industry was hit hard during the recession and is still coping with large structural changes. Over the past couple of years, the automobile companies have closed plants and discontinued brands and they downsized, restructured and cut budget to bring costs more in line with sales. They also cut jobs, as many as 300,000 or more according to some estimates. Recently, the profits of the auto industry have turned around and they are, again, making profits. There is now a shortage of workers with the right skill-set. The challenge is finding the right workers with the right skills needed by the workers in the industry, especially as more teams work globally. Because of the new technologies and operations, so called â€Å"un-skilled†workers are rarely needed now. The workers also need problem solving skills and decision making skills. Creating a workforce with these abilities requires a different approach by the human resources team. Better workforce planning is essential to creating the right fit. Automakers are turning their attention to building automobiles that either rely less on traditional fuel sources or use cheaper renewable sources of energy. These â€Å"green†solutions will attract consumers. As automakers are turning their attention to new technology, their talent must be able to grow with them. The shift in consumer preferences in the auto market towards hi-tech, fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles is a significant challenge to the industry. Auto manufacturers and suppliers will have to adapt quickly to the new technology and invest in research and development. Globalization has also put pressure on the auto industry and its traditional workforce. The future demand will be that auto companies have a flexible workforce that can constantly learn and refresh its skills. The workforce must be able to be flexible and the industry must leverage rapid learners and be able to re-train employees and re-design jobs. This will be costly for the automobile industry but will be needed to be successful and beat the competition. There may not be a need for the unskilled worker in the auto industry, but there will always be a need for workers. Their roles will change to keep up with the technology and changing markets. Steel, plastic, aluminum, rubber, and glass are the top five materials used in the automobile production process (George P. , 2012). While some of these materials are derived from a natural resource which could potentially pose risk on quantity, such as steel from iron ore and rubber from petroleum, there are forms of either synthetic or renewable resources for each as well as the ability to recycle all of these materials for reuse. None of these materials are of precious minerals and there are no real variances found in quality of such materials. For example, recycled steel, aluminum, and glass can be used in automobiles because they can be recycled indefinitely without losing their properties (RubberAsia, 2009, Hincha-Ownby, 2010, and Blue, 2012). Historically, the automotive and construction markets have remained the largest consumers of steel, with more than half of the steel produced. Over the past few years, China has emerged as the major consumer of steel, with the U. S. ext, followed by Japan. In 2008, the steel industry suffered a decline due to the recession. This was seen by consumers buying existing inventories of vehicles rather than buying new stock. The industry turned around in 2009 and continued to grow. Replacement tires are the second highest operating expense for commercial fleets, next to fuel (Automotive Fleet, 2011). In 2010, the cost for tires in the passenger car segment was up 11%. Almo st 60 percent of the world’s rubber is consumed by the global tire industry. China is the world’s largest rubber consumer
Saturday, November 9, 2019
“Broken homeâ€Â: what is it and what are its consequences
Relationships between parents and children have always been a significant topic to discuss and a serious matter to think about. In fact, they are the essence of the family life and the basis of children’s formation as a personality. It is important to pay attention to these relationships because they are usually tensed and strained. When a child is grown up in a family where he/she feels indifference and coldness he/she will take such vision of mutual relationships into his/her own adult life. Love and care of the family members have a crucial impact on the child’s psychical development.â€Å"In the English language, â€Å"broken home†refers to the family where the bonds between mother, father and children have turned sour or ruptured; individuals are weakened or uprooted as a result†(Fend â€Å"Broken Home†). This term is used to note a family in which love, care, and understanding are absent. Every family member is a victim. Nobody wants to blam e him-/herself, nobody cares about other person’s feelings, and nobody wants to suffer. Parents are quarrelling among themselves and as a result have no time for their kids.Sometimes it can be even worst – parents blame their children in all problems. No doubt, such a family cannot be useful for a society as it cannot be useful even for its own members. In the â€Å"broken home†family relationships are broken. For a child life in such a home is a nightmare. As we all well know, every child needs love and attention. Without these elements child will suffer emotionally, thus he/she won’t develop as a well-balanced personality. Moreover, child in such a family will always be between his/her fighting parents.The kid loves both parents equally and wants them to leave in mutual love and respect. When the child sees his/her parents quarreling, he/she may think that he/she is the reason of their disagreement. This awareness makes the kid’s life more compl icated. The famous Papa Roach’s song reflects the child’s feelings and emotions which he/she experiences while leaving in such family. The kid begins to blame his-/herself in all parents’ problems: Broken home†¦ all alone I can't seem to fight these feelings . . . . . . . . . .. . . And my wounds are not healing I'm stuck in between my parents . . . . . . . . . . . . . I know my mother loves me, but does my father even care If I'm sad or angry you were never ever there . . . . . . . . . . . . . What’s wrong with me (1-2, 4-5, 13-14, 20) That’s why parents should pay due attention to their mutual relationships, as well as to the relationships with their kids. Life in a â€Å"broken home†negatively influences kid’s growth. â€Å"Broken home†is a serious problem families must deal with.Such type of family is characterized by constant cry, fear, and tears. On the contrary, well-being family is characterized by love, care, an d joy. The parents’ divine duty is to make their home a desirable place for leaving, a place where their children will always want to go to. All that is needed to make a kid happy is just a sincere hug, a word of support, a smile, and a tolerance. Parents should try to be patient with each other and not to quarrel about trivial things. And even if they do quarrel, they should make sure their kids are not witnessing this.Every problem can be solved if there is a mutual desire, even the problem of a â€Å"broken home†. Why are so many people unhappy? Why do they perceive mutual relationships as a constant mortification and pain? The answer is simple: they were grown up in â€Å"broken homes†. Our task is to ensure joyful and happy life for kids and to eradicate the phrase â€Å"broken home†from our language. Works Cited Fend, Peter. Broken Home. 1 July 2004. < http://old. thing. net/ttreview/mayrev97. 03. html>. Roach, Papa. Broken Home. 1 July 2004. .
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Definition Of Proverty
take on more specific intentions. Indigence states a severely straitened circumstance as in assets. Penury makes a suggestion at a restricting or repressive scarcity of funds. Want and destitution allude to a profound poverty, which endanger one’s physical safety. The examples of so... Free Essays on Definition Of Proverty Free Essays on Definition Of Proverty In Webster’s Dictionary, poverty means â€Å"the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions†. Poverty by any means is devastating. The general definition of poverty is a â€Å"complete lack of something.†One can lack many things from social poise to spiritual guidance. Material means are only the tip of the iceberg. It is conceivable for a person to be poverty stricken and unaware of it. The cultural effects of poverty are socially, economically, spiritually, and mentally devastating to the general population. I was raised to believe poverty is not only materialistic. One can have everything and still be poor. Mental poverty is the complete lack of thought and formal education. Social poverty implies a complete lack of social encounters and refinement. Spiritual poverty implies a total indigence in the matters of spiritual guidance, divine faith, and fellowship of community. Economical poverty is a lack of material means needed for survival. Many dictionary definitions can be very misleading. They often lack the depth needed for understanding of vocabulary. American society often creates alternative meanings for many words in the English language. Poverty often has a social definition filled with barbarians. People often confused people of low financial resources with uncivilized savages. I personally find that social stigma to be alarming. One cannot judge someone by purely tangible possessions. People are more than just money, social status or political power. â€Å"Poverty may cover a range from extreme want of necessities to an absence of material comforts†(â€Å"Poverty†). Many words take on more specific intentions. Indigence states a severely straitened circumstance as in assets. Penury makes a suggestion at a restricting or repressive scarcity of funds. Want and destitution allude to a profound poverty, which endanger one’s physical safety. The examples of so...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Conjugate the French Verb Découvrir
How to Conjugate the French Verb Dà ©couvrir In French, the verb dà ©couvrir means to discover or to uncover. When you want to change it to the past tense discovered or the future tense will uncover, you will need to conjugate the verb. French verbs are rarely simple to conjugate, and dà ©couvrir is one of the more challenging. However, a short lesson will run you through the basics. Conjugating the French Verb Dà ©couvrir Dà ©couvrir is an irregular verb, meaning it does not follow a common verb conjugation pattern. Yet, it is not alone because the majority of French verbs that end in -frir or -vrir, including ouvir (to open), are conjugated in the same way. The challenge of conjugating in French is that you not only take into account the present, future, or past tense when changing the infinitive ending. There is also a separate ending for each subject pronoun within each of those tenses. That means you have more words to dedicate to your memory. Study this table to learn the correct forms of dà ©couvrir. Simply pair the subject pronoun with the proper tense: I discover is je dà ©couvre and we will discover is nous dà ©couvrirons. Practicing these in context is a good way to help memorize them. Subject Present Future Imperfect je dà ©couvre dà ©couvrirai dà ©couvrais tu dà ©couvres dà ©couvriras dà ©couvrais il dà ©couvre dà ©couvrira dà ©couvrait nous dà ©couvrons dà ©couvrirons dà ©couvrions vous dà ©couvrez dà ©couvrirez dà ©couvriez ils dà ©couvrez dà ©couvriront dà ©couvraient Present Participle Adding -ant to the verb stem dà ©couvr- creates the present participle dà ©couvrant. Its useful beyond a verb and can also become an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The past participle of dà ©couvrir is dà ©couvert. This is used to form the common past tense known as the passà © composà ©. To use it, you will also need to conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir. For example, I discovered is jai dà ©couvert and we discovered is nous avons dà ©couvert. More Simple Conjugations There may be times when you will find a use for the subjunctive or conditional verb forms of dà ©couvrir as well. The subjunctive verb mood implies that the act of discovering is subjective or uncertain. Similarly, the conditional verb mood says that discovering will only happen if something else takes place. The passà © simple is primarily found in literature and formal writing. The same applies to the imperfect subjunctive. While you may not use them yourself, being able to recognize these as a form of dà ©couvrir is a good idea. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je dà ©couvre dà ©couvrirais dà ©couvris dà ©couvrisse tu dà ©couvres dà ©couvrirais dà ©couvris dà ©couvrisses il dà ©couvre dà ©couvrirait dà ©couvrit dà ©couvrà ®t nous dà ©couvrions dà ©couvririons dà ©couvrà ®mes dà ©couvrissions vous dà ©couvriez dà ©couvririez dà ©couvrà ®tes dà ©couvrissiez ils dà ©couvrent dà ©couvriraient dà ©couvrirent dà ©couvrissent To use dà ©couvrir in the imperative form, there is no need to include the subject pronoun. Instead of tu dà ©couvre, simplify it to dà ©couvre. Imperative (tu) dà ©couvre (nous) dà ©couvrons (vous) dà ©couvrez
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Operation Management at Fiat Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Operation Management at Fiat - Case Study Example Fiat was founded On 11 July 1899 at Palazzo Bricherasio, the company charter of "Societ Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino" was signed. Among the members of the Board of Directors, Giovanni Agnelli stood out in the group of investors and won recognition for his determination and strategic vision. The 'Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino' company was founded in Turin, The first factory was opened in 1900 in Corso Dante. 150 workers were employed there and produced 24 cars. After that Fiat started a factory on s green field site at Melfi in southern Italy. At that time the competition was too high in the automobile industry. Fiat and all its competitors were facing a problem of poor quality products and productivity. The plant was the outcome of a major re-engineering effort undertaken by the company related to quality, productivity and endemic industrial conflict. For over a decade the plant was considered by Fiat and its competitor to be the leading example of productivity. But after the factory was started to do a better performance, it started fell down in productivity because of a strike in its production and supply area, by workers. From the very beginning the production system of Fiat's is a customer driven production system. But as the production was fallen due to the strike, the marketing department has to take steps to defend its market share, which was decreased as well. But as it's the problem of internal environment and related to human resource where alone marketing department cant do much. Marketing department can do a research "LE PEST C analysis (stands for Legal, Economical, Political, Ecological, Social, Technological and Cultural analysis)"1 along with HR department on its internal environment to find out the problem. At same time Fiat have to do another research on its customer to understand their recent behavior, needs and also on market to understand the recent market situation and future trends. All the decisions will depends up to these research result and some measurement. Such as recent consumer behavior, situation of sales and recent market share, recent market trends- after conflict was co vered and published by media. After media coverage, if the market and consumer behavior remain same marketing department need no to go for increase marketing activities such as advertisement but other promotional tools must be in working mode such as "public relation, direct marketing, sales promotion"2 etc. To capture the market share and get a competitive advantage they will use "Flank Attacking strategy"3. If the market trends shows that the future market may boom and the consumer behavior are in changing pattern as they want to spend more money for having a car, and if the demographical segment shows that the income level is increasing and will booster the sales, only then Fiat should start to build a new factory that will be worthy to Fiat in long run. If Fiat decide to start a new plant based on positive research
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